Shiatsu (“shi” – finger, “atsu” – pressure) massage is an ancient Japanese healing method based on the traditional Chinese concept of qi, which is sometimes described as an “energy flow”. Ki (“Qi” in Chinese) is supposedly channeled through certain pathways in the human body, known as meridians, causing a variety of effects.
A Shiatsu massage is a full-body massage lasting for 60-90 minutes. The therapist will use various techniques including “gentle stretching, holding, pressing with palms, thumbs, fingers, elbows, and knees, and when appropriate, more dynamic rotations and stretches,”
Pressure applied to points on the body promotes energy flow and corrects disharmonies throughout the patient’s body. In addition to being a deeply relaxing experience, Shiatsu helps relieve stress, treat pain and illness, and contributes to a patient’s overall health and wellbeing. Shiatsu regulates the automatic nervous system activity and stimulates the circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems. Poor posture, joint problems, sprains, arthritis, sciatica, acute and chronic neck and back pain, sinusitis, and bronchitis are treatable with Shiatsu.